Kitchen Cabinet Refacing & Measuring Your Current Cabinets

Before you can order any type of new cabinet refacing project, you need to make sure that you take accurate measurements. You may have an idea in mind of what style and color you would like to see in your new cabinets, but nothing can be ordered until you measure your current cabinets. Accurate measuring is possibly the most important part of the cabinet refacing project.

You need to make sure that you measure everything multiple times to maintain accuracy. If you measure the doors and drawer fronts wrong then order the wrong size of cabinet refacing supplies, you will not be able to use them. This not only increases the amount of time you have to wait before you can begin the cabinet refacing project, but you also will waste a lot of money. Often times, home furnishing companies do not take back cabinet refacing supplies. Therefore, make sure that you take measuring seriously.

When it comes time to start the measuring, make sure that you are using a tape measure that will measure 1/16 of an inch versus A� of an inch, etc. This will help make sure that your measurements are more accurate. One of the easiest ways to stay organized when measuring is to draw a sketch of your cabinets in the format of your kitchen. Each time you measure a new angle or length of a door or drawer front, write it by the appropriate cabinet in the sketch. Make sure that you label everything. For example, you should know that the door of cabinet 1 is 12 inches long. If you stay organized in the beginning, it will make your job much easier when you order the correct supplies in the future. Make sure that every drawer and door is measured properly before ordering cabinet refacing products.

RELATED ARTICLE  Cut Costs Through Refacing Your Cabinets

Many people seem to think that measuring for moldings is the hardest part of measuring. Make sure that when you measure for moldings that you measure the linear footage of your cabinets first. Once you get this measurement, add 10 percent of the length before ordering. This will make sure that when you cut the molding to install it that you will still have enough to create a new molding. Depending on the type of material you plan on using may also differ how much you need to increase your measurements. To eliminate any measuring problems, you should talk to a home furnishings or hardware store before placing your order.

By Laura