5 Ideas to Transform Your Kitchen With a Modern Kitchen Makeover

Transforming your kitchen can be a very costly expense that you may not have during the tough economic climate. New kitchens can cost in excess of five thousand pounds. Kitchen Makeovers are a cheap and effective way to transform your kitchen for a small cost compared to the huge expense of a brand new kitchen. There are a lot of companies that do kitchen makeovers as a business but if you are good with DIY, a lot of the processes and solutions they use could be implemented by yourself. This will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Here are five solutions that I have found to be effective in transforming your kitchen with a makeover for little money. Depending on how much money you want to spend will determine how effective your makeover is.

Idea One


The first step is replacing or reviving your old doors. Replacing your doors is possibly the most expensive aspect of your kitchen makeover. New doors will give your kitchen a brand new feel and your kitchen makeover will have much more impact if you do purchase new doors. However, you can still sand and paint your existing kitchen doors to give you the ‘new’ effect without having to pay much.

Idea Two


Replacing your cornice, pelmets and plinth will give the kitchen a brand new feel. You can usually purchase these items along with the kitchen doors. However sanding and painting them will give you similar results and save you a lot of money.

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Idea Three

Edging and Laminates

Kitchen makeovers are the most effective and look great when you colour co-ordinate everything that you are replacing within the kitchen. If you change your kitchen doors, the kitchen cabinets my be a different colour. You can combat this buy purchasing iron on edging in your desired colour, as well as sheet laminate. Both of which can be found at most DIY shops and can make a vast improvement.

Idea Four


Replacing your kitchen handles can be a very effective kitchen makeover strategy and wont cost you much depending on which handles you go for. Again kitchen handles can be picked up at most DIY and hardware stores for cheap.

Idea Five


Finally the most complicated part. Changing the worktop can be one of the best ways of giving your kitchen a makeover as well as changing the doors, however, it’s possibly the most complicated. You may need a carpenter but if you are quite able to do it yourself it will save you money.

By following these 5 ideas you can transform your kitchen for little money.

For more information on kitchen makeovers, visit

By Laura